These performance indicators help to determine the most critical interaction points in the buyer's journey. These are data that you can measure and interpret by using various available marketing tools. If you want to do extensive testing, you can read the article that Google published on Think With Google . You can deduce from this which interaction points lead to conversion based on collected data from Google. So make sure that these interaction points contain the correct and best information that fits the phase of the buyer's journey and the pain points of your buyer persona. In addition to measuring these interaction points, it is important to investigate which personas spend the most and show the highest loyalty.
The priority when creating content. They will probably have the highest impact on your future ROI. The next step is to map out the buyer's journey on your website. Preferably per sessions Singapore phone number list you buyer persona. Use visual tools for this. In this process and when creating content, always think as if you are the customer. That is sometimes difficult. Create targeted content by stage! If you have started mapping out the buyer scenarios, you have already started a process with which you have involved the most experienced people in the realization of content marketing . The best content answers customer questions, inspires customers and helps them take the next step in the buying process. What will help with this is the buyer's journey map.
This is a visualization of the buying process. Start by realizing a content calendar based on this buyer's journey map. The ideas for realizing the information you want to give your reader should match the buyer persona and the stage in the buyer's journey. A solid calendar ensures the following 3 things: Pain points are answered in the right phase of the journey Different information formats appropriate to the stage in the decision making (e.g. case studies, ebooks, demos, blog post) Targeted and useful information.